Ohio Conference of Community Development
Summer 2013 Newsletter
Volume 40 - Issue 4
June 27, 2013
Summer Annual Agenda 2013

June 19, 2013

The OCCD Summer Annual Meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn Worthington, 7007 North High Street, Worthington, Ohio – south of the intersection of I-270 and US 23. The Summer Conference is comprised of topics to get us to think ‘out of the box’.   Continue Reading »
New at the 2013 OCCD Summer Annual

June 19, 2013

Changes for the Summer Annual Meeting   Continue Reading »

Nominating Committee - Slate of Officers

Dear Membership,

In accordance with Article VII, Section 4 of the OCCD Constitution and By-Laws, the OCCD Nominating Committee has selected the following nominees for each office of the Association and for the non-office members of the Executive Committee for the 2012-2013 year. This slate of nominees will be officially presented to the membership for election on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 during the OCCD Business Meeting at the 2013 Summer Meeting.

Non-elective officers:
President – Dale Hartle, Coshocton/Ohio Regional Development Corporation
Past President – Angela Brown, Kettering
Elective positions:
President Elect – Ken Lengieza, Marion County RPC
Vice President – Kathy Werkmeister, Mid Ohio RPC
Treasurer – Amy Riegel, Dayton
Secretary – Missy Frost, Greene County
Board Member – Nancy Cook
Board Member – Michael Keys, Warren
Board Member – Rollin Seward, Franklin County
Appointed positions:
Board Member – Stacy Clapper, Zanesville
Board Member – Lisa Patt-McDaniel, OCCH

As provided in Article IX, Section I of the by-laws, additional nominations shall be made by a Full Member, in writing, and bear the endorsement of at least two Full Members in addition to the signature of the nominating member.

As chairperson, I would like to thank the members of the Nominating Committee for their help.

Anita Stocker, Chair Nominating Committee


Angela W. Brown, OCCD President

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Thank you so very much for the opportunity to serve as your president for the 2012-2013 year. I truly appreciate all of your support and encouragement I received along the way. Since I began the year by quoting our mission statement, I think it’s appropriate to quote it at the end of my term as well, because frankly, not only is it relevant, it’s exciting! OCCD officially activated as the Urban Renewal Association of Ohio in 1965 and was intended to help develop, implement and improve federal, state and local programs for community development and to develop and improve professional standards and practices of all phases of public administration that are related directly or indirectly to community development. We are a unique organization in the nation, and we should all be very proud.

My primary goal when I became president was to help OCCD meet the challenge of evolving and modernizing while staying true to its core mission. I feel that we have taken some significant steps in the right direction… and there’s more to come! I am really proud of our new website and e-newsletter format. I’m proud of our enhanced social networking opportunities. I am proud of the trainings we helped facilitate and the wonderful meeting content that Ken Lengieza provided that allowed our quarterly meeting attendance to continue to increase, even as funding became more uncertain.

And this year especially, I am proud of the way our members have stepped up to contribute to the organization. We had some very strong committee and sub-committee work, so special thanks to:

The web-design subcommittee who spent hours writing, reviewing and awarding the web-design project as well as overseeing the writing content for the web pages.

The awards subcommittee for your research and work on the new structure of the annual awards, truly moving OCCD forward.

The environmental subcommittee that as been working with HUD and the State to evaluate and advocate for the most appropriate interpretations of regulations.

Special thanks to the OCCD staff: Debra Mayes, Jack Riordan and Patricia Richards. Enough can’t be said about their dedication to this organization. Thanks, Debra, Jack and Pat for your help and hard work over this past year.

If you didn’t get a chance to participate…there will surely be more opportunities on the way! So, if you are involved, please stay involved. If you have yet to become involved…what are you waiting for? OCCD is only as strong as its members. To continue to be a modern, relevant, organization we need you!

OCCD will continue to evolve, as it should. I know that Dale Hartle and his executive committee will continue to move OCCD forward. Take care and have a great summer! I’ll see you all in July!

City Planning as a Career in Public Service

June 27, 2013

The Ohio Conference of Community Development Public Service Scholarship Fund was created in 2012 in honor of two men who dedicated their careers to public service. The first scholarship will be given to Stuart Marc Davidovich at the OCCD Summer Annual Banquet on July 24. Each scholarship applicant submitted an essay describing why they want to enter public service. This is Stuart's essay. . . .   Continue Reading »

From Our Training Coordinator

Debra Mayes, OCCD Training Coordinator

So where did spring go???  Please slow down summer and fall. 

As a result of the Fair Housing Luncheon and Training in April, the following have been posted to the website:

Materials Available at HUD User

HUD and Barberton Settle Fair Housing Discrimination Claim Involving Group Home

Update on Fair Housing Issues Impacting Individual’s with Disabilities Training

HUD Guidance on Service Animals

Also both Jim McCarthy’s luncheon remarks, as well as Joyce Hill’s Civil Rights presentation can be found on the website under Learning Resources – Post Training Materials.

Special Environmental Issues presentation materials can be accessed using these steps for both Jennifer Miller (LJB) and Tim Allen (OCD) during the training also in April.

Topics and speakers are being finalized by the housing staff at OCD for the upcoming 2013 OCD Housing Conference co-sponsored by OCCD at Sawmill Creek November 20-22, 2013. As we have added the ability to register and pay for OCCD Quarterly Meetings and trainings on-line, we will be offering these services to the conference. 


PowerPoint presentations from the OCCD Quarterly meetings are posted to the OCCD website under Learning Resources – Post Training Materials when permission is given by the speakers.  Occasionally, due to the size of the presentation because of pictures, this is not possible.  The members-only password is required to access.  If you do not have this password, please contact Patricia Richards at office@occd.org.

Locations for 2013

The OCCD 2013 Summer Annual Meeting will be held July 24-25, 2013 at the Holiday Inn, Worthington.

The OCCD 2013 Fall Quarterly Meeting will be held October 30-31, 2013 at the Doubletree, Worthington.

Locations for 2014

The OCCD 2014 Winter Quarterly Meeting will be held January 29-30, 2014 at Embassy Suites, Dublin.

The OCCD 2014 Spring Quarterly Meeting will be held April 23-24, 2014 at Crowne Plaza North, Columbus.

The OCCD 2014 Summer Quarterly Meeting will be held July 30-31, 2014 at Crowne Plaza North, Columbus.

The OCCD 2014 Fall Quarterly Meeting will be held October 29-30, 2014 at the Holiday Inn, Downtown.

“Like” us on Facebook! And now check out the brand new OCCD website!!

Fedoras, Babushkas, and Black Habits Or What Happened To Men

Jack Riordan, OCCD Development Specialist

As I sat in the dentist chair, there was a picture of what we Chicagoans call Cub’s Park, better known as Wrigley Field with a crowd waiting to get into a 1945 World Series game.  The crowd was all men; all wearing Fedoras.  The Greatest Generation in 1945 was male dominated. An American male military won the war with a great deal of help from America’s unionized manufacturing by workmen too old or critical to serve. Employment was MANual, hard work with hands, arms and backs. The organized women garment workers made a major contribution that led to the realization that Rosy could really rivet. This Great Generation created the American Middle Class, organized and voted for Social Security, workplace safety, health care, vacations, and living wages. You seldom see a Fedora anymore and men have lost a lot more than their hats since 1945.

In 1945, I was in the second grade under the influence of some scary ladies in black. The Sister of the Blessed Virgin Mary wore garb similar to a burga, except their head was covered in a square black box. Next to our school was a convent in which 25 women from their late teens to late sixties lived. All orders of nuns wore similar black habits which reflected female dress at the time and location of their founding in the middle ages of Europe. Growing up in my neighborhood most of the women and girls wore babushkas. Females had to have their heads covered in church. The custom carried over so many covered their heads when they were out of the house. The babushka was a female symbol of the different standard of dress somewhat required for women. You seldom see babushkas or nuns in black habits any more, but females have gained much more than bare heads in the last 60 years. 

The jobs of the Greatest Generation fit the bigger, stronger male body which had evolved over tens of thousands of years as hunters. Males evolved to take risk, fight, take command, and organize hunts. While males brought back animal protein, females of our species had evolved to mature early, care for children, and gather plant food. It takes a great deal of intelligence to identify what and when something could be collected and eaten, ultimately grown and harvested. The female gatherers provided the nutrients that made the intellectual development and success of our species possible. Although the origin of language is controversial, I believe women evolved the ability to communicate their gathering and caring skills to their daughters and other members of their group. The plants and locations needed identification. They also developed the intricate skills of providing clothing and mending injured bodies.

These primitive roles evolved into the traditional family organization, males going out to work to support their families and women at home raising kids and taking care of the nest. Through thousands of years social morays and beliefs evolved to protect the traditional structure. Our immigrant ancestors brought a lot of Europe with them to the New World – in my Chicago, some schools were taught in foreign languages. As a kid I delivered the morning newspapers which included different papers in Hebrew (it might have been in Yiddish), Polish, as well as others in German, Danish, and Czechoslovak. They also brought culture and cuisine, multiple religious beliefs, which set a standard of family life and behavior which reinforced the evolved roles. Basically men had to work and women had to care for the kids and the house.

I relate this from observations and research to set the background for some extraordinary social changes underway for the last 50 years which we are not addressing and to some extent separates us politically. The environment of work has evolved to fit female skills and moved away from evolved male skills. This results in increased economic roles for women and decreased male relevance in families. Older people and religions hold that the traditional roles for both men and women are better.

The old lady with the cats, said, “It is about time women have a chance.” I said, “There is back side story to the raising strength of women.”

In 1960 only 10.8 % of all mothers were single and the sole providers for families with children under 18.

In 1960, 24.6 % of families with children had both husband and wife working – the wife making more than the husband in only 3.8% of the marriages.

Male labor force participation was 86.4 %. Female participation was 33.9%.  From what I can gather, this level of participation in the workforce had been consistent since WWII.

In 1990, 30% of all mothers were single and the sole providers for families with children under 18. 

In 1990, 60% of all marriages had two incomes. In a little over 18% of such marriages, the wife made more than the husband.

Male labor force participation was down to 76.4 % and female participation was up to 57.5%.

In 2010, nearly 40% of all families with children under 18 - mothers were single and the sole income provider.

In 2010, the two income families remained about 60%, but the number of marriages in which the wife was the chief wage earner jumped to 25%.

By 2010, male labor force participation had fallen to 73.2% and female participation had grown to 62.2%.

Between 1976 and 2000, “Women’s earnings growth was higher than men’s at all education levels” for college grades it increased 30.4% while men increased only 16.7%.

Between 1979 and 2000, weekly income for males without high school diplomas dropped 26.7%; while women without high school fell only3.8%.

In 2012, the participation rate for foreign born males was 78.5 % whereas the rate for native born males was 68.6%. For females the participation rate for native women was 58.2% and foreign born women’s rate was 54.8%.

This data was gleaned from the Pew Research Study on Breadwinner Moms published May 29th 2013, reports from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, and National Vital Statistics Reports published by the National Center for Health Statistics.

Over the last 50 years manufacturing jobs that required more physical strength than intellectual skill have been exported to lower wage countries. The lost employment was the higher paying jobs which maintained a middle class life even for those with less education. While today a few women are making great money, commiserate with their education and skills, most female employment as with most new jobs are at lower pay scales. Today’s incomes are stratifying with some doing very well and the rest trying to gain or maintain a middle class life.

The real threat to our society is the 30% of native born American men who are no longer in the work force. During the last fifty years that percentage doubled, new immigrants stream into the US who have low skills, but good work ethics. They compete with American born males for the few low skilled manual labor jobs the economy offers and they are willing to get dirty. Their neighborhoods are much like those of my childhood only the language, culture and food are different.

Is this the reason that children in over 40% of all families grow up without fathers?  This percentage has quadrupled in the last 50 years. Are these the children of the boys who did not complete high school? What is the long term effect on our housing market if this trend continues to grow? Are drug use, crime rate, and incarceration a result of lack of jobs with some status?

Do our school systems spend too much on emphasizing sports and not enough to prepare boys with skills and a work ethic the economy needs and girls with the desire to be more cautious about who fathers their children? Does every woman’s love of children forgive the absent father from responsibility?

Does the illegal drug trade offer better paying short term employment? Should drugs be legalized, regulated, and taxed like alcohol?

Is cheap energy really a cause for lower wages? It costs less to import than to make.

Are men too preoccupied with looking good, being stronger and have skills and equipment to be better hunters?

Is it time for a civilian work force for all nineteen year olds not working or in school to perform park maintenance and sidewalk repair? 

The lady with the cats said, “You think too much. There is no private sector solution to reduce the percentage of men with low skills and no work ethic. I do like your idea for the boys. There is all kinds of jobs the nineteen year olds could do, get paid and get GEDs and vouchers for college. By the way how big is the underground economy?”

“Beats Me”

Update from Ohio Development Services Agency

David Goodman, Director

Summer is finally here! I want to thank you for your patience during my transition from the Department of Commerce to the Development Services Agency. I have been working hard over the last few months to learn more about the work you do to support our communities. I look forward to meeting you and coming out to visit with you. It is my goal for the Development Services Agency to provide you with quality customer service and reduced bureaucracy, so you can effectively administer your programs and serve your communities.

Recently, we have added new members to our leadership team. Ryan Burgess has joined Development as Assistant Director and he will oversee our Legal, Budget, Administrative and JobsOhio liaison sections of Development. Jacqueline Williams joins our team as the Chief of the Minority Business Division and she will lead the state’s efforts to create, grow and develop minority-owned businesses to strengthen the Ohio economy. Ezra Escudero joins us as the Deputy Chief of the Office of Business Assistance and Director of the State Small Business Development Centers.

I also asked Sadicka White to join our team as the Chief of the Community Services Division. As chief of the Division, she will oversee the programs and services housed within the Office of Community Assistance, the Office of Community Development, Office of Energy and the Office of Redevelopment. Sadicka brings an extensive background in management and administration and is well known in the development community in central Ohio. She began her career in community development activities in the city of Lima and more recently served as the Director of Planning and Development for the city of Gahanna.

Sadicka and I look forward to learning first-hand how your communities are making an impact on the lives of low- and moderate-income Ohioans. We know there are great things happening and we want to ensure we are doing all we can to keep that momentum.

We want to hear about your success. I encourage you to visit our website and submit your success stories into our database. When you visit the Grantee Success Stories page and submit your story, our Community Development team will add it to our database. Having these success stories on file allows us to promote the good work of our partnership as well as inform government leaders about the good things happening in their districts.

It is my goal to make sure you have the resources and support necessary to achieve your objectives. I hope you will reach out to our staff if you have questions about a program. I also encourage you to take advantage of the meetings and training events the Ohio Conference of Community Development offer throughout the year.

Ohio is successfully emerging from one of the most pivotal economic periods in its history. We can’t rest on our laurels. We must continue to improve the state’s economy through our programs and resources that support and provide the “backbone” services to communities. Together, I am confident we can make it happen.

Thank you, again, for all you do to build and sustain the communities of Ohio!

The HUD Report

Jorgelle Lawson, CPD Director

The crystal ball is working again! We received homeless and formula grant funding at the same time!!  CPD Columbus continues to work hard to get the grant agreements to you – Thanks for your patience!!


HUD Issues Memorandum Regarding Corrective Actions for Violations of CDBG Obligation Caps -- On May 16, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grant Programs Yolanda Chávez issued a memorandum to CPD Field Offices and to CDBG grantees.  The memorandum, “Corrective Action for Violation of the Public Services and Planning and Administration Caps”, applies to CDBG Entitlement grantees, Insular Area grantees, and the Hawaii non-entitlement counties.  This memorandum revises CPD’s policy regarding corrective actions for violations of the 15% cap on obligations for public services activities and the 20% cap on obligations for planning and general administration activities.  Such violations must now be resolved by reimbursing the grantee’s program account for the amounts over-obligated.  The memo was mailed to Entitlements in June.

HUD Issues Notice on Service and Assistance Animals -- On April 25, HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity issued Notice #FHEO-2013-01, which provides guidance to housing providers on animals that provide assistance to persons with disabilities.  The notice applies to housing providers covered by the Fair Housing Act, Section 504, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The Notice discusses definitions of service animals, how the various applicable laws fit together, and requirements for providing reasonable accommodations for persons who have service animals.  See also HUD Press Release #13-060A: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/press/press_releases_media_advisories/2013/HUDNo.13-060A

Notice on Timely Distribution of State CDBG Funds Issued -- CPD Notice 13-03, entitled Timely Distribution of State CDBG Funds, was issued on April 29, 2013.  This notice replaces CPD Notice 12-010 and provides guidance on complying with the State CDBG timely distribution requirement, as well as a summary of the States’ performance in meeting the timely distribution requirement for their 2011 CDBG allocation.  States and HUD Field Offices should review the guidance and the new updates. The link to the Notice is below  


Please continue to check your e-mails for updates from my office. If there are any changes in e-mail addresses, please let your CPD Rep or Myrna Cokes know as soon as possible.

Everyone have a cool, safe summer.

Legislation. . .In the News

June 19, 2013

The following is a summary of recent General Assembly activity relating to economic development matters through May 31, 2013.   Continue Reading »
The Unexpected Benefits of Moving Ohio Forward

June 19, 2013

As part of the Ohio land reutilization laws, the cities of Middletown and Hamilton Ohio worked with Butler County officials to form the Butler County Land Reutilization Corporation (“BCLRC”).   Continue Reading »
Worth Noting

June 19, 2013

Warm wishes for a happy retirement go to Warren Weber of Licking County   Continue Reading »
Ohio Conference of Community Development
P.O. Box 776, Urbana, Ohio 43078
Telephone & Fax: 937.652.3523
General Information Email: office@occd.org